
The Journal of Oriental Research, Madras
About Journal
The Journal of Oriental Research, Madras was founded in 1931 by Mahamahopadhyaya S. Kuppuswami Sastriar. The journal was run by an editorial board headed by P.S. Sivaswami Aiyar, and was published quarterly in the months of September, December, March and June. The journal was published regularly until the beginning of 1942, and was subscribed by libraries and universities not only in India, but also in England, Germany and America. The journal’s publication was temporarily stopped in 1942 owing to the evacuation of Madras during the War. Meanwhile, following the death of its founder Sastriar, his friends and followers founded the Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute at Mylapore, Madras in his memory and this Institute revived the journal in 1945. In the first issue of the new series published in September 1945, V.S. Srinivasa Sastri, the President of the Institute, expressed hope that ‘the journal will be the medium through which savants will make their researches known’.
The journal published essays, commentaries, notes, obituaries and book reviews. Subjects were archeology, epigraphy, history, art, linguistics, literature, religion, philosophy, politics, and geography. Published articles included M. Hiriyanna’s ‘Gleanings from the Prakatartha’; K.A. Nilkanta Sastri’s ‘Did Dhruva Abdicate?’; P.S. Subrahmanya Sastri’s ‘The Semantic History of the Words Nasatyau and Dasrau’; P.K. Gode’s ‘Date of Taittiriya Pratisakhya’; D.D. Kosambi’s ‘ On the Authorship of the Satakatrayi’; D.V.S. Reddy’s ‘History of Medicine in India’; R. Narayana Aiyar’s ‘The Quest of Sita’; P.T. Raju’s ‘The Psychology of the Brhadaranyaka Upanishd’; and K. Balasubrahmanya Ayyar’s ‘The Vitality and Persistence of Sanskrit’.
Excerpts from Sanskrit texts and other regional language sources were reproduced in the journal. The journal also published reports on the activities of the Kuppuswami Sastri Research Institute along with speeches delivered by eminent personalities at the Institute’s programs.
For More Details – The Journal of Oriental Research, Madras – South Asia Archive