
About Journal
Greetings from SERBD-IJMS
Scholars are invited to submit Research paper, Review paper, Short review, case study, Hypothesis and book review for SERBD-International Journal of Multidisciplinary Sciences (e-ISSN No. 2581-8376) which aims to promote the links among (but not least)
- Chemical Sciences
- Life Sciences
- Physical Sciences
- Pharmaceutical Sciences
- Historical Sciences
- Earth Sciences
- Mathematical Sciences
- Medical Sciences
- Social Sciences
- Science in Business Administration
The journal focuses on Human welfare through Scientific aspects. It deals with issues related to the development and implementation of new methodologies and technologies. Thus, the journal provides a forum for researchers and practitioners for the publication of innovative scholarly research, which include product development, human resources management, project management, logistics, production management, e-commerce, quality management, financial planning, risk management, decision support systems, General Management, Banking, Insurance, Economics, IT, Computer Science, Cyber Security and emerging trends in allied subjects. These exercise able to support the development of new technologies and entrepreneurs in society.
The author can submit the soft copy of manuscript anytime in M.S. Word format, at the email address- [email protected]
In case of any query, please feel free to contact at email addresses- [email protected]
With regards,
Editor in Chief
Author Submission Guidelines
The article should be prepared according to the guidelines given in template – however, few instructions for your ease are given herewith –
The length of articles should be 10,000 words but exceptionally allowed up to 20,000 words, including an abstract and notes. An article exceeding the length limit will be returned to the author.
At the beginning of the article, the title, abstract and a list of key words should precede the text.
The text body should preferentially contain (main headings) – Introduction, Materials and Methods (Methodology), Results, Discussion, Conclusion, Acknowledgement, Copyright statement if any, conflict of interest, source of support, References (Harvard style)
Please use section headings in bold type and number them.
References should conform to the style displayed in the samples below under Citations and References.
The paragraph break should be indicated by an extra line space rather than an indentation at the beginning of a paragraph.
Font should be 12-point Times New Roman, whether in normal, bold, or italic, including endnotes. Please do not insert line breaks in the text or special spacing for formatting. Symbols may be used by using “insert symbol” option.
The left hand, the right hand, the top and the bottom margins should all be 3cm or 1.18 inches.
The paper you submit should be in PDF or MS Word only. Please do NOT submit texts in Rich Text Format (RTF), or WordPerfect.
Do NOT compress or lock your PDF. Do NOT compress the images in your premier word.doc either.
Do NOT number the pages of your PDF and Do NOT use any headers or footers either.
Images should also be sent in *.ppt file.
Please Read and Agree
In sending work to SERBD-IJMS for possible publication, the submitter must attest that the work is original and that he or she is the author, that it has not been published, and that it is not under consideration for publication elsewhere. It has also been attested by authors that the work has not been published or under consideration for publication in any other language also.
Copyright Policy
In accepting your manuscript for publication, we wish to acquaint you with our copyright policies and to enlist your cooperation.
-Copyright protects intellectual properties from plagiarism and pirating, and ensures that your text cannot be altered without authors/owners consent.
-Copyright also allows authors/owners to offset expenses in publishing authors work by means of royalties.
-The SERBD – IJMS is copyrighted periodicals. We would like to draw your attention to the protection copyright affords against multiple photocopying by libraries, instructors, and copy centers. The 1976 copyright law provides that photocopies in excess of “fair use” copying cannot be made without authorization by the copyright owner “fair use” meaning single copying for personal use. Accordingly, the Journals authorize personal or educational multiple copying only if a request is made in writing and the required fee per copy is paid directly to us. Each copy must include a notice of copyright.
-It is the policy of SERBD-IJMS to grant to any reputable publisher the right to reprint any of our articles, but only under the condition that the permission of the author is obtained. We ask that publishers interested in reprinting any material send a request in writing to the Managing Editor.
-SERBD-IJMS currently grants permission to publishers for the use of our copyrighted material in digital form on a case-by-case basis only. For use in electronic course packs, access to copyrighted materials should be password-protected and limited to currently enrolled students.
Authors’ Right
Authors are permitted to reprint their article at no fee; but we ask that author or any third party to give us notice of any direct negotiations with publishers regarding the reprinting of an article on which we hold a copyright. Authors’ are allowed to post an electronic version of their article on their personal website as long as SERBD-IJMS copyright is acknowledged; such use does not extend, however, to permission for the host site (such as a university server) to repackage any copyrighted material with other electronic content for whatever reason educational, commercial, or otherwise.
Peer Review Policy and Evaluation Process
The practice of peer review is applied to ensure that excellent research is published. It is an objective process at the heart of high-quality scholarly publishing and is carried out by all reputable scientific journals. Our referees, therefore, play a vital role in maintaining the high standards of SERBD-IJMS and all manuscripts are peer reviewed. Special issues may have different peer review procedures involving, for example, guest editors or scientific committees. However, the Editors first evaluate all manuscripts. Those rejected at this stage are insufficiently original, have serious scientific flaws, have poor grammar, or have some ethical issues. Those that meet the minimum criteria are passed on to at least two experts for review. Herein, typically the manuscript will be reviewed within 2 weeks. If the referees’ reports contradict one another or a report is unreasonably delayed, a further expert opinion will be sought. Referees may request more than one revision of a manuscript.
All articles will be blind-refereed. The decision of the editorial board is final. Articles accepted for publication will be copyrighted by SERBD-JMS. Because SERBD-IJMS relies on the generosity of scholars who contribute their time to review articles, we ask that authors not submit their work to other journals at the same time. However, we expect that the review process will move quickly and that authors will be notified within two weeks.
In sending work to SERBD-IJMS for possible publication, the submitter attests that the work is original and that he or she is the author, that it has neither been published nor under consideration for publication in any other journal or books etc.
Submission Requirements
Articles for submission must be previously unpublished and in English. Papers should be well-written, and we encourage grace as well as clarity. It is important that papers be copy-edited carefully before submission.
In submitting work to SERBD-IJMS, authors agree to the policies of the journals, including access method and use of the material published in it with, of course, proper acknowledgment of authorship and source.
For More Details – Society for Environmental Resources and Biotechnology Development