Instruction for preparing the abstract
· You will have to provide
(i) Abstract Title
(ii) Information about the presenting author (Name, Affiliation, Job Title, Contact Title).
(iii) Names of all co-authors must be included.
· Abstract should not exceed 350 words.
· Template for submitting the abstract is provided in Doc form.
Conference Awards & Honors
BEST POSTER PRESENTATION AWARD ( 5 PARTICIPANTS; NO NOMINATION REQUIRED) - Poster sessions are an important and integral part of our conferences. It provides an opportunity for many participants, especially Ph.D. research scholars, to share their research and ideas with others. A selection committee will evaluate the posters from each day of the poster sessions and based on their scores the best poster award will be handed out.
BEST ORAL PRESENTATION AWARD ( 5 PARTICIPANTS; NO NOMINATION REQUIRED) - These awards are given to the best oral presentations. It rewards a combination of excellent research, innovation, and presentation A panel of judges will select the best oral presentations from all the sessions.
Oral Presentation Guidelines
· Contributed presentations are 15 minutes and invited speaker presentations are 30 minutes (including Q&A session). A presentation must not start late or extend past the scheduled end time.
· All talks are limited to the amount of time listed in the program, which includes setup time to connect laptops or flash drives.
Poster Presentation Guidelines
· The presenter must be an author of the poster and a registered attendee.
· Each presentation will be assigned a board and will be labelled with the number of the abstract.
· The maximum size of your poster should be: (3ft * 2ft) Vertical
· The poster boards will accept pushpins which will be available in the poster hall. Please return the pins at the end of your poster session.
· Display your material in large print so it may be read from a distance. Print TITLE and AUTHORS in extra-large print across the top of your display.
· Presenting authors are responsible for removing their posters at the end of the poster session. If you do not take your poster with you at the end of your poster session, we will discard it.