Co-Founder Message

As the Vice- Chairman of Koshambi Foundation, I have both the opportunity to provide forward-looking leadership and to ensure that Koshambi Foundation becomes a model of excellence for the Sustainable Growth and Development of our Country.
With the specific Motive and Vision the working model of Koshambi Foundation is in the field of Research & Development in various segments for the Growth of Farmers, For Environmental Conditions, Etc.
As a leader and innovator, Koshambi Foundation, has had an illustrious past. Our future holds the promise of even greater achievements, provided we remain forward-looking, performance-oriented and agile, capitalize on our strengths and eliminate our weaknesses.
Koshambi Foundation is a Non-Profitable Organization which works for the Poor & Helpful peoples in the field of Education, Health, Fooding, Etc. or by fulfil their needs.
As a part of Koshambi Foundation, I strongly believe that it is our responsibility to become a strength of helpful persons and inspire and motivate them.
I welcome you to be a part of this amazing experience at Koshambi Foundation!
Best Wishes & Regards
Ch. Gajendra Singh
(Co-Founder & Vice-Chairman)