Founder Message

I am very happy to introduce “Koshambi Foundation”, Indian non-profit based Organization. On behalf of Koshambi Foundation, I welcome you all.
With such aims and objectives, it was established having strong message for the various purpose, to do something for the growth of our Country in various segments for the development of India.
Koshambi Foundation with a motive for the development of poor children’s, Farmers, Women empowerment, Old age people, helpful persons, etc. in the segment of Education, Health, Agriculture, Sustainable Development, etc.
Koshambi Foundation also works in the segment of Research & Development in the field of Agriculture, Health, Education, Medicinal Plants, Sanitation, Energy, Organic Farming, Sustainable development, Etc. for the Growth and Development of the Country.
Koshambi Foundation also works for the Development of the youth to make them on the right path and also aware the peoples with the help of Awareness Program, Motivational Events, Etc. Koshambi Foundation works day and night to reach out to millions of such lonely and so called unwanted people of our society backing them and giving them strength to be self-reliant and fight for their well-deserved rights.
Right to Education and Right to Health are some of the basic rights which every individual of this world should be provided with, irrespective of their social status. Koshambi Foundation leaves no stone unturned in ensuring that every individual who has been deprived of these for some reason, get the chance to avail these rights. At the same time our aim is not just teaching people but to empower them with the abilities to have access to all the basic necessities of life enabling them to earn respect and dignity for themselves and their future generation.
As the Chairman of Koshambi Foundation I strongly believe that it’s our duty and responsibility to give back to the society in which we live, in return of the many things we avail from it in our day-to day lives. Koshambi Foundation as an organization stems from this root belief. Me and my team’s quest to serve the destitute gives us the strength to work with full dedication, sincerity and honesty. We dream to see a brighter India with this little initiative of ours and know that our dreams will bear fruit soon as we are not alone. The backbone of Koshambi Foundation is its Team, Sponsors, Volunteers and all supporters and well-wishers who are helping Koshambi Foundation in many different ways.
We are very grateful for the support that we get from many individual people that make our work possible.
We always welcome support offered in any way, if you are youths, please feel free to visit us and join our activities at any time.
Best Wishes & Regards
Lakshya Chaudhary
(Founder & Chairman)
Jai Hind!